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Politika zasebnosti
Vsebina se nanaša na spletno stran www.visokosenzitivnaoseba.si, ki jo upravljam Manca Klinar (Coaching in svetovanje za senzitivne, Manca Klinar, s. p.), in na podatke, ki jih zbiram preko te spletne strani. Varovanje osebnih podatkov, pridobljenih v okviru in za potrebe pogodbenega razmerja, je opredeljeno v posamezni pogodbi.
S prijavo na e-novice ali s poslanim sporočilom preko kontaktnega obrazca soglašate s tem, da zbiram in obdelujem vaše osebne podatke, ki ste mi jih posredovali.
Varstvo osebnih podatkov jemljem zelo resno. Vaše osebne podatke varujem v skladu s to politiko zasebnosti. Kot upravljavka spletne strani sem zavezana tudi k spoštovanju Splošne uredbe o varstvu osebnih podatkov (Uredba) in veljavnega zakona o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP-1).
Osebni podatki, ki jih zbiram:
- ime in naslov elektronske pošte,
- podatki o napravi ali drugi dnevniški podatki, ki ne omogočajo identifikacije – takoimenovani piškotki (več o tem v Politiki piškotkov).
Način zbiranja osebnih podatkov:
- ime in elektronski naslov: te podatke pridobivam, če mi jih izrecno sporočite,
- piškotki: podatke o napravi ali druge dnevniške podatke avtomatično pridobivam, ko obiščete mojo spletno stran (več o tem v Politiki piškotkov).
Posredovanje osebnih podatkov ni pogoj za obisk spletne strani www.visokosenzitivnaoseba.si. Do trenutka, ko posredujete osebne podatke (ime in naslov elektronske pošte), so vsi podatki, ki jih avtomatično pridobivam z vašim obiskom mojih spletnih strani (piškotki), anonimni podatki in identitete uporabnika ne ugotavljam, niti to ne bi bilo možno.
Namen zbiranja in uporaba osebnih podatkov:
Osebne podatke zbiram v skladu z namenom, za katerega ste mi jih posredovali – za pošiljanje e-novic, na katere ste se prijavili, ali za kakšno drugo dejanje (npr. prenos e-knjig). Na vaš elektronski naslov vam bom pošiljala e-novice največ enkrat tedensko oziroma dvakrat mesečno (odvisno od tega, na katere vrste novice ste se prijavili); prejemali boste obvestila o prispevkih in informacije o aktualnih dogodkih v zvezi z visoko senzitivnostjo in/ali osebno in duhovno rastjo, o programih, delavnicah ali predavanjih.
Posredovane osebne podatke obdelujem in uporabljam zato, da lahko spremljam, kaj vas zanima, in da vam lahko pošiljam relevantne vsebine. Posredovanih osebnih podatkov ne bom uporabila za drug namen.
Pravna podlaga:
Osebne podatke zbiram na podlagi vašega soglasja.
Shranjevanje podatkov:
Osebne podatke (ime in naslov elektronske pošte), ki ste mi jih posredovali ob prijavi na e- novice ali kako drugače, hranim do preklica.
Soglasje za obdelavo osebnih podatkov lahko kadarkoli prekličete in se odjavite od prejemanja mojih e-novic (gumb za odjavo je na dnu vsakega elektronskega sporočila). Od preklica dalje vaših osebnih podatkov ne bom več obdelovala. Preklic privolitve ne vpliva na zakonitost obdelave podatkov pred preklicem.
Posredovanje osebnih podatkov:
Osebne podatke bom varovala in zaupno obravnavala, ne bom javno razkrila in jih tudi ne bom jih posredovala tretjim osebam, razen izbranim pogodbenim partnerjem, ki so prav tako zavezani k varstvu osebnih podatkov z Uredbo.
Dostop do osebnih podatkov:
Do zbranih osebnih podatkov imam dostop jaz kot upravljavka te spletne strani.
Za pošiljanje e-novic uporabljam storitve ponudnika MailerLite, podjetja s sedežem v Evropski uniji, zato ima tudi to podjetje dostop do osebnih podatkov. Zaradi pošiljanja e-novic obstaja sekundarni seznam, kjer so shranjeni naslednji podatki: ime in elektronski naslov; ta seznam je shranjen pri podjetju MailerLite, in sicer le s tem namenom (t. j. zbiranja in obdelave osebnih podatkov zaradi pošiljanja e-novic). Pogodbo o obdelavi osebnih podatkov si lahko ogledate tukaj, njihovi splošni pogoji so na voljo tu, njihova politika zasebnosti tukaj in politika piškotkov tule.
V zvezi s piškotki sta za varstvo osebnih podatkov pomembni še dve podjetji, in sicer Automattic Inc. in Google, ki imata tudi dostop do nepersonaliziranih osebnih podatkov (piškotkov) z namenom delovanja in optimizacije spletne strani.
Spletna stran je izdelana na platformi Word Press, ki je v lasti podjetja Automattic Inc. Njihove splošne pogoje si lahko ogledate tukaj, politiko zasebnosti pa tu.
Politiko zasebnosti podjetja Google LLC v zvezi z Google Analytics si lahko ogledate tu, njihove splošne pogoje pa tukaj.
Vaše pravice v zvezi s posredovanimi osebnimi podatki
V skladu z Uredbo imate naslednje pravice:
- pravico do preklica soglasja,
- pravico do dostopa do podatkov, ki se nanašajo na vas,
- pravico do popravka podatkov,
- pravico do omejitve obdelave,
- pravico do izbrisa podatkov ter
- pravico do prenosljivosti podatkov.
Katerokoli pravico po Splošni uredbi o varstvu osebnih podatkov lahko kadarkoli pisno uveljavljate. Zahtevo lahko pošljete tudi na elektronski naslov: manca@mancaklinar.com; pri tem prosim navedite vaše ime in elektronski naslov.
Pridržujem si pravico do spreminjanja te politike zasebnosti. Spremembe bodo objavljene na tej strani in bodo učinkovale od objave dalje.
Kontaktni podatki:
Coaching in svetovanje za senzitivne, Manca Klinar, s. p.,
Plavški Rovt 7c
SI – 4270 Jesenice
Datum zadnje spremembe: 10. 9. 2018
Privacy policy
The content of this policy is applied to www.visokosenzitivnaoseba.si and to the personal information collected through this website. The website is managed by Manca Klinar – Coaching in svetovanje za senzitivne, Manca Klinar, s.p. Protection of personal data, obtained within the contractual relationship, is addressed in each individual contract.
By subscribing to my newsletter or filling out my contact form, you agree that I collect and process the personal information you have supplied to me.
I take personal data protection very seriously. I protect your personal data in accordance with this policy. I am also bound by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDP Regulation) and the existing Slovenian Law on Data Protection (ZVOP-1).
Personal information I collect:
- name and email
- information about a device or other logged data, that doesn’t enable identification – so-called cookies (you can read more about this in my Cookie Policy)
The method of collecting personal data:
- name and email: I collect this information if you communicate it to me explicitly
- cookies: I collect them automatically when you visit my website (you can read more about cookies in my Cookie Policy)
Communicating personal information is not a prerequisite for visiting www.visokosenzitivnaoseba.si. Up to the point of communicating personal information (your name and email), all automatically acquired data (cookies) is anonymous information and user identity is not being established, neither would that be possible.
Goals of collecting and processing personal data
I collect and store personal information for sending you newsletters to which you have subscribed (or some other action, e.g. sending you e-books). You will receive a newsletter once a week or twice a month (it depends on which newsletter you have subscribed to); I will be sending you notifications about posts/blogs and information about current events regarding High Sensitivity and/or personal and spiritual growth, as well as news about programmes, workshopsor lectures on the topics. I use and process collected data to monitor the interest of visitors and to be able to send relevant content. I will not use the collected data for any other purpose.
Legal standing
I collect your personal data upon your explicit consent.
Data storage
I store your personal information (your name and email, communicated when subscribing or filling out my contact form) until you unsubscribe or otherwise inform me you want me to stop storing your personal data and/or delete them.
You can withdraw your consent and unsubscribe from receiving my newsletter any time (you can find instructions and the link at the bottom of each newsletter).
From the moment you withdraw your consent, I will no longer process your personal data. Withdrawal of this consent does not affect the legality of my data processing on the basis of your consent, which took place prior to this withdrawal.
Disclosure of your personal data
I will protect your personal information and treat it with confidentiality. I will not disclose it publicly nor share it with third parties. The only exceptions are my contractual partners, which are also bound by the GDP Regulation and obliged to personal data protection.
Access to your personal data
As manager of this website, I have access to the collected personal data.
For sending out my newsletter I use MailerLite’s service, so this company also has access to your personal information. Due to sending the newsletter there is a secondary list of information which contains your name and email. The list is stored at MailerLite with the only purpose being: collecting and processing personal data for sending newsletters. You can access my data processing agreement with that company here, their legal content here, their privacy policy here and their cookie policy here.
When it comes to cookies and personal data protection, two other companies need mentioning: Automattic Inc. and Google; they too have access to your impersonal personal data (cookies) for enabling the website to work and to optimize its functioning.
This website uses the WordPress platform, owned by Automattic Inc. You can access their general terms here, and their privacy policy here. Google LLC (owner of Google Analytics) has its privacy policy available here, while its general terms are available here.
Your rights concerning communicated personal data
According to GDP Regulation, you have the following rights:
- the right to withdraw your consent to process your data
- the right to access your personal data
- the right to rectify your personal data
- the right to limit the processing of your personal data
- the right to erase your personal data
- the right to transfer your personal data
You can assert any one of the above-mentioned rights based on GDP Regulation any time by submitting a written request. You can do that at manca@mancaklinar.com; please state your name and email address in your request.
I reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time and post the changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information I collect, how I use it, and under what circumstances I disclose it. All changes are effective immediately upon posting.
My contact information:
Coaching in svetovanje za senzitivne, Manca Klinar, s.p.,
Plavški Rovt 7c
4270 Jesenice, Slovenia
Last edited: 10. 9. 2018