I. Introduction
High Sensitivity is a normal personality trait that approximately every fifth person is born with (15-20% of the population, regardless of gender or race) and is very likely to be inherited (although not necessarily always passed on directly from parent to child).
Scientifically known as Sensory Processing Sensitivity is a researched trait with the pioneering work done by Elaine N. Aron, Ph. D. (you can find more about her and her work at www.hsperson.com).
High Sensitivity is shown as a more sensitive nervous system with its effects being sensing more stimuli and processing them deeply. Although stimuli are absorbed through sensory organs, those with High Sensitivity do not necessarily have stronger senses (e.g., “Super Sniff,” “Hawkeye,” “Pricked Ears”). High Sensitivity is about the brain and its different, more complex processing.
In all Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs), there are four basic characteristics present (acronym D.O.E.S.) – if a person doesn’t have all four, they are probably not Highly Sensitive individuals according to Dr. Elaine N. Aron’s definition of High Sensitivity.